Wednesday, May 28, 2008

headache relief????

Mass death of bees in Germany: Pesticide approvals suspended
The cause of mass bee deaths has been established: pesticide products from chemical companies Bayer and Syngenta. They have been removed from sale in Germany. We should now pressure Bayer and regulators to remove them from sale elsewhere...

{Posted on the UKIMC) "Bayer must withdraw Gaucho and Poncho from the market worldwide"

The German Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) has ordered the immediate suspension of the approval for eight seed treatment products due to the mass death of bees in Germany's Baden-Wuerttemberg state. The suspended products are: Antarc (ingredient: imidacloprid; produced by Bayer), Chinook (imidacloprid; Bayer), Cruiser (thiamethoxam; Syngenta), Elado (clothianidin; Bayer), Faibel (imidacloprid; Bayer), Mesurol (methiocarb; Bayer) and Poncho (clothianidin; Bayer). According to the German Research Centre for Cultivated Plants 29 out of 30 dead bees it had examined had been killed by contact with clothianidin. Also wild bees and other insects are suffering from a significant loss of population.

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